Saturday, December 19, 2009

Alot of work

I work alot of hours so I feel I miss out alot with the kids. So here are more pics.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Since I have my neice

I have my niece alot these days, which I love. I am mommy two to her. She is def stubborn like her mom but her smile is always worth it. So here are few pics. By the way the Santa is my dad, my mom custom made the suit for him a few years ago after he was diagnosed with cancer.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Okay so its been awhile. I read everyones blogs. I think of all of you everyday.

To catch up on me. I have had terrible insomnia, I didn't sleep for three straight months. I had two sleeps studies and all they can come up with is two forms of insomnia. I sleep a little every now and then but for the most part I still don't sleep even on strong meds. I am even on anit depressants and go to a therapist. But still sleep does not come easily. The only really good sleep I get is when we go up to PA to visit family.