Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another bfn

That's right another bfn. I am going to go to a chiroproator and an acupuncturist on Friday. I really thought this one would work.

Why do some family members think they can cheer me up with a gift. My sister has been getting me dolls. UGLY porcelain dolls. Yes I do have some collectable ones. But I normally get them because they appeal to me. Others get them for me as to appease my want of a baby. Like it really helps.


Smoochie said...

Im so sorry. Keep your head up.

twondra said...

Awww, sweetie, I'm sooooo sorry. I hope the acupuncture works. We love you girl!

Us4 Cats said...

yeh like a doll could really honestly replace the need you feel for a real baby, good grief. ah well, while thier intentions sound to be good the gift thing sounds as if it may be a tad irritating for you.
hang in there!


twondra said...

Hope you had a great birthday!!!

twondra said...

Hey girl! I just wanted to say thanks soooo much for your comment on the board regarding stepkids. It gets so hard and sometimes you feel so alone. So I appreciate it sooo much! Thanks sweetie! (((HUGS)))

Susan said...

I know how ya feel. BFNs suck.

RainbowMomma said...

Just popping over to say hi and I'm hoping things are going well for you!