No adoption. Apparently the guy that works for me was talking to me about it when his wife does not want to give away her baby. I don't blame her at all I wouldn't either. But what an a$$ that works for knowing how much I want a baby. Not to mention the crap he is doing to his wife. I found out his girlfriend is pregnant by him and she is keeping the baby. BUT he told his wife that if she keeps the baby he is leaving her. Not to mention some other bull that I found out about him. Now he doesn't know that I have talked to his wife because he "forbid" her to come to the store. I guess he was afraid I would find everything out. But I promised her I wouldn't say anything because I don't know what he will do to her. I can't do anything to him at work because it is not job related. I am extremely hurt. But I knew something wasn't quite right.
On the TTC front I had cd3 labs done and on cd9 I have to go in for a sonohysterogram. So I may be out this month.
Finally checking in. It sounds like ALOT has one on since I visited last! Sorry it did not work out. :( Sounds like an a$$hole!
Wow. I'm soooo sorry sweetie. I can't believe it. That's just horrible. The emotions have got to be soooo hard. Sending you tons of hugs.
Wow, what a jerk. Im so sorry that people like him are in this world. What irks me more is that people like him are out pro-creating and my husband cant. That is totally not fair and I dont understand God's way in that one. Im so sorry you had to deal what such a butthole.
By the way, I tagged you on one of my posts this week.
I am a usually silently reader from the NW TTC site, but I really have to give you some credit for your restrain! I want to rip that guy apart for you... I am so sorry. What an idiot... keep your head up.
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