Sunday, April 26, 2009

the garden work for the weekend

hopefully go can get the scope of what I have done so far today.

Monday, April 13, 2009

more pics

Okay so I am not the best at this blog set up so here are some more pics

These are of the screen door I put up and the frame I made to hold it.

PIctures of projects

Not much to write about so I am just going to show some things I have done lately.
This is after I had started cutting down a crab apple tree. I didn't get many photos and they were taken with my phone.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's the juice?

Okay I don't eat right if I eat at all. So last week I bought a juicer. Yes I bought it last week and just used it tonight. So I started off simple with something I love, apple juice made from granny smith apples. So mad some juice for work tomorrow. So what did I make? Any guess? Really no guess. Well carrot and celery. It was simple and what I had. I have tons of recipes from several books so I will go shopping to make some more veggies and fruit juices. Any suggestions welcomed.

As for projects nothing today. I just didn't have time. With making juice, cleaning the juicer folding laundry.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


First of all thank you Tammy for your comment. I know not many people read this but I am going to start writing alot more. More for me than anything else. Chris has been in Oregon since Feb. so I have been doing everything on my own, including getting the last bfn news. I have cut down a crab apple tree and other jobs. I am doing more projects around the house that I am going to document. It has been nice seeing things done.

I am still going to try for ivf. I just need to find a way to get the money up. I want so much to carry my baby, that I am not going to give up for anyone. I have already put some money away because if Chris is is working he can't spend any money. So I just need to work on something to get more.

I must go now and do some plumbing, the sink is leaking. Lets see how I can mess this up!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


To clarify on my post since someone decided to leave a comment. I want a child with all my heart, don't care how. I have and am looking into adoption as well as the ivf. There is some issues with adoption. But we may still do adoption even if we go through ivf.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I went for a consultation for ivf today and boy am I overwhelmed. Now how am I suppose to come up with that kind of money? I have a friend who has been through with not so good results. So is it worth trying?